Devlog #2

Presenting a new name for the game : Fear's Abode

 Short info: As per recent time I was working with Unreal Engine and it was interesting, but got stuck again with an assets.. The ones that I needed were quite expensive :( So had to get back to unity. But this time I have good news to all of you. From now everyone could test it out and play this game as this time it will be Crossplatformed. VR + NonVR. So desktop users could play it too! From short part of the demo.. I decided to remake a game fully and make it based on fears, where players would be able to choose one or more fears to appear in the room and face them. See what they could be if you have never felt before or heard from someone and were curious like "never heard about that one, but sounds interesting". So my point is to give you this opportunity in the game to face random fears.

Development Progress: I have been working on idea, and came that for now I will provide one location, Asylum, it won't be big map, but will be randomized with fears, where player in main menu will be able to pick a fear and go face it. 

I'm still working on a menu part also and randomizing fears in the location. I don't have a big list of the fears that I can provide so I would appreciate if you would leave in comments what fears you had or you would want to face. This will give me the bigger motivation to make something new in the game. 

As soon as I will finish with several fears and main menu. I will upload the game here. Allowing you to play and help mewith the progress (bugs and etc) 

Hit like button here if you want to see more of the game progress in DevLogs :)

Get Fear In The Rooms VR

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