DevLog #1

This is the first DevLog for this game. So I won't be writing much for now. 

I have been working on this game for quite long and finally I can let you test a bit of this game in very early Alpha mode. Game actually contains only one Training working and freetime in lobby, but Lobby don't have anything yet. I'm still working on stuff. Few of them what is changed and how it looks, can be visible on video. 

My idea was to bring back childhood that we used to have when we were kids, playing dodge ball. For now I have added only one location, inside gym. I have in plans several locations to be added, but its in future. Also it will be possible to play in future 3 against 3. But for now and until the Single Player will be done, the game will be available to play only 1 on 1. 

There is a lots of work for this game that I need to work on it, including the ball physics also. But I hope this will bring everyone fun play time and spending together in a game. 

I will be posting from time to time my progress here and uploading video to youtube with the newest dev progress. Also soon Discord channel will be available too.   Where all progress of the game will posted there and you will have a chance to talk directly to me.


BouncerVR.7z 166 MB
Apr 10, 2023

Get BouncerVR [Alpha Test]

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